my poems

i won’t touch the radio

i won’t touch the radio


almost every saturday we

picked a highway

and drove with the top down

till our cheeks bloomed with

freckles from the sun


the wind softly pulling

at our cheeks and tears

pinpricking our eyes

the radio stuffing our ears

with every flavor of life and emotion


now i sift through the floor

of your car where

there are ripped up

white leaf pages imprinted

with coffee stains

in half rings

and textbooks that have

un-cracked spines


i didn’t know you were

taking chemistry

let alone failing it

i didn’t know i was failing you


it looks like you

had hastily kicked more

than one McDonalds

bag under your seat

embarrassed by the mess

or by your choice of food


the dashboard taunts me saying

i had more than 43,277 miles

to find out you were driving lost

more than 43,277 miles to

ask if you needed help with directions


you were always the driver

and now i sit in your seat alone

with a silent radio



– caroline indars hughes

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